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So far nathan has created 10 blog entries.

Toowoomba Vanguard Laundry – Temporary Fencing Donation

Fence Hire Australia are proud to be a local business donating the Temporary Fencing for the upcoming Vanguard Laundry Project. We are pleased to be able to support a project that will help make a difference to those who suffer from mental illness and enable them to live a more sustainable lifestyle. All future profits [...]

2016-08-05T08:37:31+10:00August 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Toowoomba Vanguard Laundry – Temporary Fencing Donation

New Bunnings Toowoomba – On the old Foundry Site

As the Toowoomba community is growing, the former foundry site is expanding with it. Bunnings have plans to redevelop the site into a $43 million hardware store. Fence Hire Australia are supplying the Temporary Fencing for this project to Hutchinson Builders and are pleased to be able to be a part of a project that will [...]

2016-08-05T08:31:16+10:00August 5th, 2016|FHA Articles|Comments Off on New Bunnings Toowoomba – On the old Foundry Site

ANZAC Day 2016

Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. Fence Hire Australia were proud to supply the crowd control barriers for this significant event and to be a part of Australia’s most important national day. 2016 was a memorable year as it marked the [...]

2017-03-06T10:32:40+10:00April 29th, 2016|FHA Articles|Comments Off on ANZAC Day 2016

New Hoarding Coming Soon

We are excited to announce that we will be releasing a new Hoarding product for hire. The new Hoarding has been engineered to withstand the same impact as our current Plastic hoarding, but in a slick new lightweight design. This product is currently being mass produced and will be available in the next two months. [...]

2017-03-06T10:32:41+10:00March 21st, 2016|FHA Articles|Comments Off on New Hoarding Coming Soon

1 Table

Fence Hire Australia are delighted to sponsor the upcoming Gourmet Street Food night in Toowoomba, One Table. We are donating some security Temporary Fencing to help out this start up event. We are proud to be able to support the first Gourmet Street Food Festival right here in the Garden City. Come on down and [...]

2017-03-06T10:32:42+10:00March 10th, 2016|FHA Articles|Comments Off on 1 Table

Toowoomba Kokoda Challenge 2016

Fence Hire Australia are proud to be supporting the Kokoda Youth Foundation and the 2016 Kokoda Challenge in Toowoomba by supplying their Crowd Control Barriers. The Kokoda Foundation aims to improve the quality of life and life skills of young Australians through the inspiration of the Kokoda Spirit. All funds to operate this challenge are [...]

2016-02-11T12:43:28+10:00February 11th, 2016|FHA Articles|Comments Off on Toowoomba Kokoda Challenge 2016

Oktoberfest Brisbane – Australia’s largest Oktoberfest!

Today marks the end of the 2015 Oktoberfest at the RNA Showgrounds. The 2015 Oktoberfest was the biggest event yet with thousands turning out both weekends. The event continues to grow every year, not only in attendance, but in its likeness to the German Oktoberfest! Fence Hire Australia was proud to supply the fencing for [...]

2015-12-11T16:47:56+10:00November 26th, 2015|FHA Articles|Comments Off on Oktoberfest Brisbane – Australia’s largest Oktoberfest!

Brisbane City Council – Fountains Renewal Project

The Brisbane City council has just commenced work on the Brisbane City Fountains Renewal Project. Fence Hire Australia is proud to be working with the Council to secure these sites during Construction. The project is aimed at returning the Cities decorative water features back to their former glory. The Water Features were decommissioned during the [...]

2015-12-11T16:47:34+10:00November 26th, 2015|FHA Articles|Comments Off on Brisbane City Council – Fountains Renewal Project

ADCO Constructions – New Farm Clinic

We a proud to announce that Fence Hire Australia will once again supply the Temporary Fencing for ADCO’s new project. The New Farm Clinic renovations are to commence in mid-September with an expected completion date of June 2016. The clinic expansion will result in a 44 percent increase in bed numbers, the first expansion in [...]

2015-12-11T16:48:23+10:00November 26th, 2015|FHA Articles|Comments Off on ADCO Constructions – New Farm Clinic

Operation Slipper – Returning Soldiers Parade

Fence Hire Australia was proud to supply the Crowd Control Barriers for the returning soldiers Parade in Brisbane over the weekend. The Parade was celebrating the end of Operation Slipper, which was Australia’s contribution to the conflict in Afghanistan. Over 3000 Veterans were given a hero’s welcome through Brisbane’s CBD. The March hosted a number [...]

2015-11-25T13:32:52+10:00November 25th, 2015|FHA Articles|Comments Off on Operation Slipper – Returning Soldiers Parade
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